Disruptive Video Assets is a groundbreaking collection of “self-drawing” animated video assets to tell any story using any video creation or editing software!
As you probably guessed from the title, video assets like these have never been seen in the marketplace and promise to shake things up and turn a lot of heads.
These self-drawing animations give video creators the power to create a hybrid combination of whiteboard and traditional animation styles in a revolutionary new way that is sure to increase viewer engagement and keep their attention from start to finish. Additionally, these assets can be used in pretty much any video creator and video editor on the planet.
Here are two features that separate this collection from pretty much everything else on the planet! First off, these images have an amazing and unique self-drawing animation style that requires no whiteboard software whatsoever. This is because the drawing animations are built directly into the files! Just add them to your project and you`re done!
Secondly, once the drawing animation is complete, the characters actually move! This is another groundbreaking action that no whiteboard image on the market can currently do. Disruptive Video Assets comes with : characters, backgrounds, props, social media icons, speech and thought bubbles!
The next article was first seen on Disruptive Video Assets Review : Bonus
Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2017/09/disruptive-video-assets-review-bonus.html
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