Wednesday, November 29, 2017

RewardLeads Review : Bonus

RewardLeads - what is it? RewardLeads is a mid-ticket SaaS that is your own virtual army of sales people getting you more customers, more sales per customer, more subscribers and cheaper Facebook Ads. Reward Leads is a digital loyalty program for product vendors, events, affiliates and ecom stores.

Reward Leads automatically rewards your buyers with loyalty points and automated incentives ensuring that they:

  • Buy more products - Purchases = points and rewards. A huge advantage over your competitors. RewardLeads will even follow up when your buyers forget to get that upgrade, without you lifting a finger
  • Get new customers. - Potential buyers will join your program just to earn points but you also get viral growth from buyers because they get points torecommend others. PLUS they get points from purchases made by those recommended buyers - meaning you get buyer leads!
  • Automate Sales - With the Facebook technology you can build custom audiences of buyer behaviour. Meaning you can recapture buyers who have stopped purchasing, remove refunders and target low, mid or high ticket buyers only. We even have automated email followup to remind people that they are close to the next incentive level!

Having a rewards program gives you a massive advantage over the competition. The earlier you get started the more locked out they are! This is your chance to have your own automated list building, marketing and sales team. RewardLeads is a true digital rewards scheme combined with advanced automation and artificial intelligence.

RewardLeads Review

The next article was first seen on RewardLeads Review : Bonus

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